Buy our produce
Given our produce is seasonal, we cannot guarantee that all the produce listed below will always be available. Additionally, we may also have further produce available at other times. Please contact us ahead of your visit if you would like to check our availability.

Fruit and veg
Including apples, leeks, artichokes, butternut squash, swiss chard, kale, onions, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce.

Fresh apple juice
Our juice is made from the apples we harvest in our heritage orchard.

Earthworks honey
Our honey is made by our bees that pollinate our vegetables and heritage orchard.

Herbs and ornamental plants
Including seasonal cuttings, seadlings and small plants, potted and nurtured, ready for sale.

Handmade crafts
Including bird and bug boxes, bird tables, willow and dogwood decorations. Any larger crafts are often made to order to account for specific requirements.

Where to buy
St Albans Farmers’ Market
Find our stall at the St Albans Farmers’ Market, which occurs on the second Sunday of every month, from 8am to 2pm. We are located outside of WHSmith, near the Museum.
Visiting our stall provides you with the opportunity to chat with our volunteers, who are on hand to answer questions about our produce and our work.
Honesty stall
Our honesty stall is set up outside our eco-gardens in Hixberry Lane, 10am to 3pm on week days, with produce freshly picked by Earthworkers. Please follow instructions on our stall to donate.
Seasonal events
Look out for our seasonal events throughout the year, when restrictions allow!